Monday, October 31, 2016

Young Asian cinema this year Korea's host

Bophana this morning held the official opening program, film producers Young Fly candidacy participation 11 different countries in the region, with Cambodia to host.
Program Fly (Film Leaders Incubator) originates from Korea training program preparing young film producers 5th its participation of candidates from other countries in the 20 ASEAN members and Korea 2. The program's main aim is to give young people who love cinema all have the opportunity to learn more as well as to explore more depth on this sector, and other shared experiences, according to representatives Fly .
 Fly will start its mission from October 31 to November 16, according to various locations in the country that had been stored.
(Lady Phuong Sakona, State Minister of Culture and Fine Arts)
Fly was founded in 2012 in Korea and start its 1st year in the Philippines in 2013, organized in Thailand 2014, held in Myanmar in 2015, while in Malaysia, and the 2016 host.


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