Monday, October 31, 2016

Kim Tae Hee girlfriend Rain perfectly nice in a rare display

After disappearing to participate in other programs for a long time Korean actress Kim Tae Hee appeared again in programs promoting a product in Seoul on October 29 this year.

In this program, 36-year-old actress who is the girlfriend of singer and actor Rain flower dress short jacket and thigh large covered shoulders. With a simple but beautiful style, Kim Tae Hee has received appreciation from the fans there.

Translation: VanThorn
Source: kenh14

Young Asian cinema this year Korea's host

Bophana this morning held the official opening program, film producers Young Fly candidacy participation 11 different countries in the region, with Cambodia to host.
Program Fly (Film Leaders Incubator) originates from Korea training program preparing young film producers 5th its participation of candidates from other countries in the 20 ASEAN members and Korea 2. The program's main aim is to give young people who love cinema all have the opportunity to learn more as well as to explore more depth on this sector, and other shared experiences, according to representatives Fly .
 Fly will start its mission from October 31 to November 16, according to various locations in the country that had been stored.
(Lady Phuong Sakona, State Minister of Culture and Fine Arts)
Fly was founded in 2012 in Korea and start its 1st year in the Philippines in 2013, organized in Thailand 2014, held in Myanmar in 2015, while in Malaysia, and the 2016 host.


Famous Chinese actress 8 pence own plane

Momentum of its own planes from China a few years ago seems to lie until it becomes big news and. So chinawhisper collection China 6 aircraft for personal travel. After all, do not have any information indicating that these actors keep their aircraft or sale yet, while some planes and.

1.Jackie Chan
All martial arts star Jackie Chan called personal aircraft 2 units. 1 named Embraer Legacy 650 purchase price of $ 30 million and 2 Legacy 50 worth $ 20 million.

2.Brigitte Lin
Brigitte 1 plane named "Bom-bardier Challenger" between $ 9 to $ 50 million.

3.Zhao Benshan
A famous comedian Zhao brand Bombardier Challenger 850 aircraft in 2009 for $ 30 million.

4.Liu Tao
Girl Actress, who is married to her husband, who is a billionaire in 2008, has a personal interior There is a sofa bed with comfortable bathroom and kitchen.

5.Jay Chou
The singer Jay Chou, aircraft brand "incomparable" - A Boeing 737 ", can seat 100 people and cost more than $ 14 million.

6.Zhang Ziyi
Actress China's purchase of an aircraft worth more than $ 7 million.

7. Jet Li
International martial arts star Jet Li has spent nearly $ 45 million to purchase its own aircraft. 53-year-old star of its travel by plane from the US to China.

8. Fan Bingbing
Actress who earn more than the 7th largest in the world this year Gulfstream jet worth nearly 30 million.

Translation: Heng Sothearith
Source: chinawhisper

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween bikini top sexy actress Hollywood last night

Real Halloween festival will take place today, but many actress launch for this since since last night because it was Sunday. What is interesting to see that some actress adorned draw a ghost in sexy outfits coolest. Let's go and see all of whom fear a sexy ghost?

1. model Kylie Jenner
2. Kourtney Kardashian
3. Singer Mariah Carey
4.Abi Clarke
5. actress Chelsee Healey
6.Jaqui Ryland
7.Gemma Krizz
8. Paris Hilton model
9. Model Abigail Ratchford

Translation: Heng Sothearith

Source: mirror

Ponds Sangker, not far from the Kampot city you want relax plantations

Feels strange to begin when the body touch with good sea breeze into the camp of mangrove shade trachhungotrachhei including the bridge mangrove jungle trekking hundreds of feet.
Tourist village ponds Kae turned fishery community developed into an attractive tourist village is not far from City.

Travel along the National Road 33 from Kampot, Kep, more than 7 km you will see billboards welcoming tourist village trapangosangke highlights an image of fresh natural tourist village. Turn right down the road, about 300 meters across suburban village residents would travel to the location ponds Kae located near the inlet canal named rhino.

He then President Ibrahim CBT trapangosangke said the village trapangosangke have evolved from a fishing village into a tourist resort, located not far from the city Kampot. Entertainment area created by this community organized simple place for guests to relax in a natural environment .

Cruise tourism village ponds Kae guests will enjoy the fresh air from the sea garden overlooking rice paddies, salt your local citizens. Can not miss is traveling in nature needs to continue by boat in the canal hand Rhino side with a good view of the flooded forest to mangrove forest eco-tourism at the coast, which is under the control their own community.

Community chairman, said that besides the capture lush landscapes, guests can relax in the evening enjoy the fishing boat you hear animal sounds special lights of fireflies crowd.

To become an eco-tourism community also houses bungalows for guests who need accommodations, including food service vacuum.

Text: Bonna