Sunday, October 30, 2016

Kite champions Khmer presence around the world is the history?

Independent blow, blow one blow Khmer 20 fame internationally, it is to participate in the International kite Festival since 1994 in many countries such as Britain, France, Italy, China, Japan, Korea, India, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam. According to Margaret, Deputy Head of Cultural Development.
Mss. Kanaika Nuon a member of the independent group of volunteer students help promote kite Khmer described process kite terms of documentation, according to the book of Sim Iraq, who compiled the history and meaning of kite kite Khmer kite name is created by Scythian ancestors Khmer from the year 400 BC, since before the mountain kingdom.

Kite today that bones made by bamboo and kites covered with leaves woven mats for hosting the kite The harvest season. Because the pre-mountain kingdom ancestors Khmer faith in you as always celebrated kite acting gratitude to those who helped produce grain crops.
Mss. Nuon Kanika independent member of the Student volunteers help promote blow Khmer
Mountain Kingdoms Period (1 to 6 century) called kite or kite. Because modern Khmer regime mother Democratic Kite is considered to be the Queen Scythian locals kite called the word "master" who represents the Queen and the word "child" represents people.

For kite champion has many features like:

*** Blow champion equipped with instruments "private" a device type uniforms similar to times smaller arc narrow for attached to the head blow champion loud voice sound muffled by the wind.
*** Kite champion entertaining hosting communities.
*** When you have the opportunity to kite is revealed that residents are free and peaceful nation.
*** Blow champion represents Khmer mother or leaders in the Khmer.

Text: Mean Rathana

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