Thursday, October 13, 2016

Im Jiva penetrated the true story of 2 photos of the king of Thailand

After national and international media filled world lists from coming into the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej Elias Deth yesterday already been observed that some of the media used photos 2 in its text that defile the crowds confused as the image of the king of Thailand, who has anemones into the death of it.
In that Im Jiva as the country's actor has interpreted for 2 photos, he said: "The picture is better grandfather Sanath former Chairman Thailand! Thai people, a lot of my friends call and send a message that the grandfather, former Chairman Thailand Thailand is hosting this is not a king Bhumibol Abdul least! Let all the people of Cambodia do this erroneous false image. Thais He said that they are very thankful to the people of Cambodia strongest condolences, and they say that the people who most condolences to his King of Thailand's population! He was very thankful and after primary unspeakable. "
Also, King Bhumibol Abdul ate death on the evening of October 13, 2016, in the Chung few young 88 years old.

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