Monday, October 24, 2016

Vineyard 50 hectares, is drawing tourists in Battambang

You probably know that the road to the Lebanese mountains where a wine named Chan Thailand deploring was always going to taste wine produced by Khmer here.
Obviously, where wine production is a field of up to 50 hectares of land around the globe in the village wells Treng commune Ratanak Mondul district, Battambang province on the road to Pailin. Vineyards are getting very strong interest from tourists, both domestic and foreign because it has the largest land area and planting more flowers.

Met with the working group on the road to Chan Thailand deploring the owner mentioned that he had vineyards and 13 Hectares in an area of ​​50 hectares. With these grapes, including fruit and wine to make. The owner, who added that he spent a lot of soft care, but it can also get so much back, because grapes are less difficult to grow, and soon.
Text: MonyRom

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