Friday, October 28, 2016

Finally, the victim was killing Guest Oh! Yes and unidentified bodies

Women victims were killing Guest Yemen now been identified and the family funeral was taken to the funeral as well. Her pool Vanna, 22, worked in karaoke Heng around DN rented house No. 103 16CC Street Depo Kork district Snay, a native of the village commune, Prey Veng. The woman was the man's girlfriend strangled to death naked body baring at the inn! Yemen stolen property such as mobile phones branded iPhone 6 Plus 1 3 platinum rings, necklaces and bangles 1. Hope cops will pursue research catch the killers as soon as her jewelry there as in the photo she wore existing Hence traders all avoid buying touch pirate Please check the picture of backgrounds bangles and necklaces, phone and, if suspicious, please sue the cops immediately. 

Source: fbuser

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